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Showing posts from February, 2020

How can we stay safe while Travelling?

Many stories reach the public on how use of social media has helped travelers caught up in incidents when abroad –  Twitter , Facebook and others have all enabled individuals to rapidly share information with fellow travelers during security incidents and natural disasters. It is often the fastest way to get a picture of real time events unfolding from those closer to the incident. How often though do we stop to consider how the use of social media can itself create or contribute to a dangerous incident, and unwittingly place innocent people in harm’s way? As we feel more and more at ease sharing details of our travels with wide groups of online friends do we really understand the level to which that information can be exploited and in so doing set conditions for a severe compromise of the both our online and indeed  cyber security  and safety? How can social media use increase physical risk? Careless use of social media can also lead to physical risks. A st...